How to Conduct Employee Inductions

Videos on 07 September 2018

You’ve spent hundreds of pounds recruiting a new employee.

So, getting their induction right is important. You want them to settle into their new role, do well, and stay with your business.

What to do when a new employee starts

Prepare – Tell your staff you have a new starter, prepare their workspace, allocate a buddy to help them, and ensure their manager and colleagues know what they need to do.

Send your new starter a welcome email and set up an induction meeting before they join.

Welcome them – Get the right person to welcome them on their first day, ease them in with a coffee and chat, give them a tour of the building, and take copies of any necessary documentation.

Make introductions – Take them to meet staff, especially their buddy, and explain who does what.

Explain the facilities – Make sure they know all the basics including where the toilets are and where to make a cup of tea!

Explain the business and their role – Talk about the company’s services, its customers, and its history. They’ll need to know their hours, their key responsibilities, and who they will report to.

Talk them through your policies and procedures – Take them through the staff handbook. Areas you should cover include sick and absence policy, social media rules, and booking holiday.

Tell them about health and safety matters – such as protective equipment, who first aiders are, and fire assembly points.

Explain the office systems – including the computer, communications, and petty cash systems.

Talk them through the appraisals and development system – including policies and individual training plans.

Then review their progress at the end of the first day and the end of the first month, noting where they need more support.

If you need more help, download our helpful toolkits from our website. Or, call our PitstopHR experts on 03300 414 636